Our systems help to certify, through UNE-ISO/PAS 45005/2021, the management of health and safety in workplaces and public centers.
HEPA H14 maintenance filters need to meet a series of conditions to be considered as such. In other words, there is a standard that any filter must meet to be considered HEPA H14, which means that it must follow specific procedures for its manufacture and pass a series of tests and have certain specific labels and certifications, something that can only be strictly guaranteed. a few manufacturers in the world, among them the multinational number 1 in the world market CAMFIL .
Within the HEPA H14 classification there are subclasses and different qualities, but there is a level that any quality filter must meet in order to have it and that minimum establishes that it is capable of capturing at least 99.03%, something that only few manufacturers can guarantee safely, being the main manufacturer in the world of these filters the multinational CAMFIL . If it does not reach that minimum, it will not be able to be commercialized with such quality. You must always ensure the origin and the manufacturer, as they must comply with and provide you with the seals and certificates of guarantee and efficiency of them. (be wary of cheap manufacturers or purifiers for these filters as their prices are determined by their effectiveness). All these conditions and quality certifications guarantee the useful life of the filter and its effectiveness.
Therefore, when an air purification device that requires a filtering system comes onto the market with a filter HEPA H 14, it cannot always be considered quality or professional because the controls on this are very different depending on where or who manufactures them, very few manufacturers in the world have exhaustive controls and seals that accredit it as the number 1 of our partner CAMFIL , which meets the highest global manufacturing control standards in all its filters.
The EN 1822 standard tells us that there are 3 main categories of filters or classes called EPA, HEPA and ULPA filters, varying the efficiency of retaining particles from lower EPA to higher retention capacity in ULPA filters (the latter essentially used in hospitals and laboratories doctors).
Within each category of filter we find different capacities to retain particles, classes E10 to E12 are efficient particulate air filters (EPA), H13 and H14 are HEPA filters, and U15 to U17 are ultra low penetration air filters. (ULPA). These classes are covered by the European standard EN 1822, which evaluates the filtration performance of the filter for the MPPS. According to this standard, a HEPA filter must remove at least 99.95% of particles with a size of 0.3 μm or larger. US government regulations require a filter to remove 99.97% of particles 0.3 μm in size to qualify as HEPA. Put another way, for every 10,000 particles that are 0.3 microns (or microns) in diameter, only three of them can get through.
In a HEPA H14 filter, the retention efficiency of particles with a size greater than or equal to 0.3 μm must be at least 99.995% to comply with the EN 1822 standard .
Most penetrating particle size (MPPS)
HEPA (High Efficiency Particle Arresting) filters are very effective at capturing an extremely high percentage of up to 100% of nano-particle contaminants, as well as larger particles larger than 0.3 μm. For particles around 0.3 μm there is a small drop in efficiency; this size is therefore called the Most Penetrating Particle Size (MPPS) in the standards for HEPA filters.
Efficiency of HEPA filters
To classify air filters as HEPA, the size of the most penetrating particle MPPS is taken into account, the size of this particle is between 0.1 μm and 0.3 μm, although standard EN 1822 It is calculated for efficiency levels for capturing particles larger than 0.3 microns. Contrary to what one might think, HEPA filters are extremely efficient in capturing particles smaller than 0.1 microns and it is in particles between 0.1 and 0.3 microns where the effectiveness in capturing is really seen. of particles.
The way a HEPA filter works is as follows depending on the size of the particles:
Particles larger than 0.3 microns are retained by impact, that is, these particles do not fit through a pore whose size is smaller than that of the particle.
In particles smaller or much smaller than 0.1 microns, the particles are trapped by the fibers thanks to their Brownian motion, their weight is so small that this type of particle does not move in a straight line and gets stuck in the filter fibers.
The problem, and where a HEPA filter is at stake, is in the particles between 0.1 and 0.3 μm, it is in this size range that the true effectiveness of a HEPA or ULPA filter is calculated (If a Greater efficiency in retaining particles from the air.
Does a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter offer complete protection against virus cross-contamination?
Particles floating in the air, both in solid and liquid form, can affect our health. Particles with a size of less than 2.5 microns (or micrometers μm) are especially important for this purpose, with this size they are a danger because they can enter the bloodstream directly. Nano-particles can have sizes from 0.1 to 0.001 μm, and within this group are most viruses, such as the infamous SARS-CoV-2
HEPA filters are very effective at retaining particles larger than 0.3 micrometers (microns). Viruses are not usually found floating in the air by themselves but embedded in droplets or aggregates with water and other substances, in this case the size is much larger and the efficiency of HEPA filtering increases a lot, even more so if we have a filter HEPA H14 or if we enter categories used in health centers such as ULPA filters.
Sizes of some well-known viruses:
Influenza A virus: 0.08 – 0.12 μm
HIV: 0.08μm
Coronaviruses such as the SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-2019, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV range in size from 0.06 to 0.3 μm.
Hepatitis C virus: 0.05μm
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 1.0μm
Staphylococci such as staphylococcus aureus, constitute sphere-shaped cells of around 1 μm

Each type of particle has different dimensions and for this reason a specific measure or type of filter can be used to stop some but not others.
What a HEPA filter does is place different barrier methods to ensure that the particles that manage to overcome one level are trapped in the next.
A HEPA filter is made up of a mesh of randomly placed fibers. These fibers are usually layers of cellulose, synthetic fibers and/or glass fibers arranged in an accordion shape, which means that their surface is greater and therefore they have the capacity to capture said particles, with CAMFIL 's TRIAD PURE® filters being the most professionals in the market for its composition and manufacturing, backed by all its proven worldwide seals and ISOS. CAMFIL filters are installed in more than 80% of hospitals and clinics around the world

The process is carried out gradually:
1. The coarser particles are trapped by screening at an early stage, which means that they literally "bump" into the fibers and cannot continue their advance.
2. Logically, not all the particles are stopped at this first barrier, but those that continue their trajectory, propelled by the air, are trapped in successive barriers. The medium-sized ones are then intercepted by rubbing with the following fibers, remaining adhered to them.
3. Finally, those that have managed to circumvent the two previous systems, already of a very small size, end up colliding with gas molecules, this is defined as "diffusion".
It is essential in any professional air filtering equipment that the HEPA H14 filters are accompanied by other filtering systems for their proper operation, maintenance and effectiveness according to the EN 779 standard. According to the ISO 16890, EN 1820 standards, the first stage of a CORRECT composition of professional standardized air filtration, to be a prefilter called "prefilter G1, G2, G,3, G4" . 136bad5cf58d_ G4 from CAMFIL that filters up to 20 μm to retain large particles such as fluff, animal hair and any particle larger than 20μ.
The second stage of filtering to maintain maintenance regulations with CAMFIL 's F7 filters that filter up to 1μm that are used in the second stage for the finest particles, are the ones used in our systems TRIAD PURE ®, thus guaranteeing the good condition and energy savings that the durability of the filters represents CAMFIL H14 0.03_cc781905-5μde-3194-bb3b-bb3b-136bad5cf5_136bad5cf57 0.03_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-bb3b- 136bad5cf57 -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_